Hey everyrobot.
Didn't expect to be releasing another news post so soon, but there was news to share so here we are.
It'll be my last for a bit I promise. Lets get into this shall we. Starting with the boring part, which does supply alot of context.
Sorry for the overall unprofessionality of this post. It wasn't the easiest to write.
Mental Health:
Yeah. Its one of those news posts.
Its not something I like to talk about publicly, outside of the occassional joke here and there, but for the past few months I've been struggling with depression. Haven't been able to get any help as thanks to the comically long diagnosis process either, so thats fun.
As you can imagine, this has been a damper to my work. I've not been able to get much art done or make any new animations. The work I used to enjoy doing has become more and more of a chore to complete. I'm not going to get in to the heavy details of what I've been facing, this isn't a vent post in any sort of way. There is no need to worry about me, I'll be fine.
Things have been getting better. Some truly great things have happened for me recently and there are truly great people in my life. I'll thank those people later in the post. But my mental health isn't what it used to be, and thats something I have to deal with, which comes with some news I'm not too pleased to announce.
This applies mainly to Mind Over Machine, but a few other side projects I've been working on are affected too.
The Mind Over Machine pilot released to much more attention than I expected. To this day, it's my most popular work that isn't a collab part. This is a dream come true for me, MOM has been in the works for years, originally starting as an entirely different show I produced at 12 years old.
With the pilot receiving genuine praise, I now feel the need to make future episodes better and better. A goal I do wish to acheive, but one that scares me.
I'm a very amateur animator. I'm sure those who have seen the pilot will agree that the animation is the worst aspect, being rather choppy and stiff. I am working on that, I swear. But there is a lot of pressure now to get better, something that my depression loves to insist that I'm unable to do.
With this, I'm announcing a hiatus. I'm going to be taking some time away from these large projects. Working on a few silly things in my own time. This may last anywhere between a few weeks to a few months.
This means that the reveals of Sam and Dean, aswell as "Mind Over Machine: Heist of the Century" will be delayed. I still aim to get these out this year, but not as soon as I'd hoped.
I'll still be semi-active in places, and you can expect some YT uploads, since they take little to no effort and are usually quite fun to record. You can find all my socials n stuff on my carrd.
I hope you all understand. Now let me thank some people, shall I.
I'd like to thank @Ugasisvelta for putting up with me whenever I'm particularly sappy. You've been a therapist than money could buy, aha.
Would also like to thank some other friends, whether they knew or not, these people being in my life is something I appreciate greatly. @sereneFalconer @NooblesNG @Taka and @braeburner
Thats just a few. I have many other great friends, you all know who you are. Thank you for being here.
As well as this, I'd like to thank the entire cast and crew of MOM. A collection of truly talented people who helped me get the pilot out there, as well as future episodes. Something I'm eternally grateful for.
The Voice Actors, @VoicesByCorey @CarveyShow @LuckyDee @Emizip
The BG artists, @CheddarExuberant @Icy64
And the musician, @LeyOLantern
Thank you to the fans of MOM aswell. There has been some great fanart over the past few months, some of which I'll link below.
I'd also like to specifically thank @julxz, who is undeniably the #1 fan, they also rule the discord server. I'm rather intimidated.
If you'd like to create your own fanart, be sure to add the "mindovermachine" tag to it, or @ the official twitter account @mindmachineng!
You can find the link to join the discord in my links page on my NG profile.
Thank you all, and thank you to my 289 followers.
Stay awesome Newgrounds. This is Blue Jay, logging out.
I'm just a passerby in all this but honestly, you have to put yourself first before anyone else.
One of the things I value heavily is mental health and having struggled with a mental illness and a learning disability or two, I definitely get where you're coming from and it's not an easy thing to bring up publicly. I don't even like talking about my shit too often but you know, sometimes you just have to.
In anycase, I'd like to follow you regardless. I realize it might be some time before you're active again but until that day comes I look forward to seeing you come back because it looks like you got some pretty cool stuff going on.
Stay safe and take care of yourself ya?