Hochi mama 🥵
Hochi mama 🥵
Aw nah they done gone stepfordidized HawtDogull
Holy [cungadero] this is some good shit
Collector of Caps, Mother of Rabbits, Lover of Gray Men, Destroyer of Worlds.
Women fear me
Fish fear me
Men turn their eyes away from me as I walk
No beast dare makes a sound in my presence
I am alone on this barren earth
Convict Mommy Mearest 🥰🥵🥰
Holy shit thats metal as FUCK
He kinda (honk!!) He Kinda (honk!!) He Kinda (honk!!) 🥴
Thats cheating Warvester
I love tankmen c'mon
Studying Screen Writer/Director and Graduated Freakazoid. I don't post here too much but will pop in every so often!
Male [He/Him]
City of Dawncave
Joined on 3/16/21